3 Reasons NOT To Eat Whole Foods Only! | WFPB Processed Phobia ➡️ Ex-Vegan Reason #2

“Processed food to the rescue?!” Hey everyone, so let’s go straight into part one as a starter to smash processed food phobia. 1. What makes a food processed? Defining “bad for you”. I like Dr. Greger’s definition from a health standpoint. He doesn’t count the actual part of processing as the critical difference – thereby […]

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Whole Food & Nutrient Obsession | Complete Overview: Ex-Vegan Reason #2 Series

“Processed food to the rescue?!” Heya, it’s Miri. If you’ve been wondering when my next was comping up – I’ve been preparing and outlining a whole series for you, that’s why, coming… now. 🙂 So how can volume eating, whole food, macro, nutrient, purity and eating window obsession cause health troubles? How can the healthiest […]

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RE: Rawvana & Raw Alignment | Why Vegan Didn’t Work | Slow Metabolism Signs| Ex-Vegan Reasons

Struggling with health issues is an extremely humbling experience. While I made it out of my crisis still vegan, I can completely relate with ex-vegans’ desperation. Hi Yovana, hi Alise, this is for you and everyone who is confused or suffering from similar symptoms themselves – to provide insights from someone who was at least […]

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How I Know Undereating Causes ➡️ Health Crisis & Slow Metabolism Pt. 2 | RE: Ex-Vegans

How I know that it definitely was a reason for my health crisis …even though I would never have thought that that was possible! The fact that all (!) of my physical symptoms disappeared within one week of eating 2500+ calories (meaning often above, never below) instead of around 2000 and all of my mental […]

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3 Reasons For Vegan Immune & Gut Issues How I Solved My Health Crisis | RE: Ex-Vegans

Hey what’s up, Miri here. In this post and post series, I’m opening up about the health issues I’ve fought over the past years and how I’ve recovered and managed to still be vegan – and not only that but thrive as a vegan. While fixing my gut, immune & hormone health. I’ll share the […]

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Calorie Tracking vs. Intuitive Eating Recovery | When Mindful Eating Fails

I’m back on YouTube! Finally! Because do things you’re a little not-ready-to-do yet. That’s how you grow and have breakthroughs. 🙂Yesterday I did exactly that. I stopped tracking my calories to meet a MINIMUM of 2500+ calories per day. Yes. I eat that amount. Every day. For 5 months now. All restriction symptoms gone. Hormones, […]

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Ich hatte einen MANGEL! Vitamin D & B12 – KEIN Vegan-Problem!

Huhuuu, wiiieee oft hört man es: “Veganer bekommen nicht alle Nähstoffe von ihrer Ernährung… kein Wunder, dass sie Mängel entwickeln…” Ich möchte gerne mal zwei Vitamine ansprechen, die enorm an den Grundfunktionen unseres Körpers beteiligt sind und heutzutage von den meisten von uns nicht (mehr) genügend aufgenommen werden – genau genommen von an die 90% […]

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My Christmas wish & what I was told is healthy 10 years ago in the eating disorder clinique…

MEEEERRY CHRISTMAS & MERRY EVERYDAY to all of my readers! 🙂 Thank you for reading and watching my videos. If they helped only ONE, I am more than happy!!! 🙂 Today’s video is about how my ancient eating disorder was quite much of a physical thing! How could allowing you to eat unhealthy things ever […]

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Durianrider about my [weight gain due to] overtraining & insufficient recovery – at the RawTill4 Thai Festival

Harley confirms that by stressing your body too much (e.g.) by overtraining), you can damage your metabolism & gain weight. So did I. But then it’s all about how you handle it: What you think you are you really are!!! Your self-talk is everything! So true! His tips in short: When you overtrained = unhealthy […]

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FREE Yourself from Food Rules! Am I RawTill4 aaall the time? Fruit VS. Starches

Guys, I’m wholeheartedly joining the ongoing FREEING FROM LABELS! Fruit or starches? Starches for breakfast and fruit for dinner? For me personally, as long it’s vegan low fat it’s perfect. I have zero issues (both mentally & physically) with messing up food combining rules e.g. having starches before fruit in the day – as long […]

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