Ich hatte einen MANGEL! Vitamin D & B12 – KEIN Vegan-Problem!

Huhuuu, wiiieee oft hört man es: “Veganer bekommen nicht alle Nähstoffe von ihrer Ernährung… kein Wunder, dass sie Mängel entwickeln…” Ich möchte gerne mal zwei Vitamine ansprechen, die enorm an den Grundfunktionen unseres Körpers beteiligt sind und heutzutage von den meisten von uns nicht (mehr) genügend aufgenommen werden – genau genommen von an die 90% […]

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My Christmas wish & what I was told is healthy 10 years ago in the eating disorder clinique…

MEEEERRY CHRISTMAS & MERRY EVERYDAY to all of my readers! 🙂 Thank you for reading and watching my videos. If they helped only ONE, I am more than happy!!! 🙂 Today’s video is about how my ancient eating disorder was quite much of a physical thing! How could allowing you to eat unhealthy things ever […]

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Durianrider about my [weight gain due to] overtraining & insufficient recovery – at the RawTill4 Thai Festival

Harley confirms that by stressing your body too much (e.g.) by overtraining), you can damage your metabolism & gain weight. So did I. But then it’s all about how you handle it: What you think you are you really are!!! Your self-talk is everything! So true! His tips in short: When you overtrained = unhealthy […]

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FREE Yourself from Food Rules! Am I RawTill4 aaall the time? Fruit VS. Starches

Guys, I’m wholeheartedly joining the ongoing FREEING FROM LABELS! Fruit or starches? Starches for breakfast and fruit for dinner? For me personally, as long it’s vegan low fat it’s perfect. I have zero issues (both mentally & physically) with messing up food combining rules e.g. having starches before fruit in the day – as long […]

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