Whole Food & Nutrient Obsession | Complete Overview: Ex-Vegan Reason #2 Series

“Processed food to the rescue?!” Heya, it’s Miri. If you’ve been wondering when my next was comping up – I’ve been preparing and outlining a whole series for you, that’s why, coming… now. 🙂 So how can volume eating, whole food, macro, nutrient, purity and eating window obsession cause health troubles? How can the healthiest […]

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Calorie Tracking vs. Intuitive Eating Recovery | When Mindful Eating Fails

I’m back on YouTube! Finally! Because do things you’re a little not-ready-to-do yet. That’s how you grow and have breakthroughs. 🙂Yesterday I did exactly that. I stopped tracking my calories to meet a MINIMUM of 2500+ calories per day. Yes. I eat that amount. Every day. For 5 months now. All restriction symptoms gone. Hormones, […]

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