3 Reasons NOT To Eat Whole Foods Only! | WFPB Processed Phobia ➡️ Ex-Vegan Reason #2

“Processed food to the rescue?!” Hey everyone, so let’s go straight into part one as a starter to smash processed food phobia. 1. What makes a food processed? Defining “bad for you”. I like Dr. Greger’s definition from a health standpoint. He doesn’t count the actual part of processing as the critical difference – thereby […]

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Whole Food & Nutrient Obsession | Complete Overview: Ex-Vegan Reason #2 Series

“Processed food to the rescue?!” Heya, it’s Miri. If you’ve been wondering when my next was comping up – I’ve been preparing and outlining a whole series for you, that’s why, coming… now. 🙂 So how can volume eating, whole food, macro, nutrient, purity and eating window obsession cause health troubles? How can the healthiest […]

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3 Reasons For Vegan Immune & Gut Issues How I Solved My Health Crisis | RE: Ex-Vegans

Hey what’s up, Miri here. In this post and post series, I’m opening up about the health issues I’ve fought over the past years and how I’ve recovered and managed to still be vegan – and not only that but thrive as a vegan. While fixing my gut, immune & hormone health. I’ll share the […]

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Calorie Tracking vs. Intuitive Eating Recovery | When Mindful Eating Fails

I’m back on YouTube! Finally! Because do things you’re a little not-ready-to-do yet. That’s how you grow and have breakthroughs. 🙂Yesterday I did exactly that. I stopped tracking my calories to meet a MINIMUM of 2500+ calories per day. Yes. I eat that amount. Every day. For 5 months now. All restriction symptoms gone. Hormones, […]

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